410 Gone

410 Gone is a server response that indicates that a requested resource is no longer available on the server and has been intentionally removed, with no forwarding address. Unlike the 404 Not Found error, which suggests that the resource may be temporarily unavailable or could return in the future, a 410 status signifies to search engines and users alike that the content has been permanently deleted.

This can have significant implications for website management and optimisation strategies. When search engines encounter this status code during their crawling process, they will typically remove the URL from the index quicker. This action can help maintain a clean index by eliminating outdated or irrelevant links but may also result in lost traffic if valuable pages are marked as gone incorrectly. Due to the possible affects, 410 status should only be used for pages that have been deliberately taken down without plans for replacement or redirection. If content has moved to another location, using a 301 redirect would be more suitable to preserve link equity and guide users effectively.


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