Bridge Page

A bridge page is a type of web page designed to facilitate user navigation between two distinct areas of content or websites. Its primary purpose is to act as an intermediary that connects visitors from one source such as search engines or external links to a target page, often providing additional information or context about the destination.

Bridge pages are typically created to improve user experience by offering relevant content that enhances understanding and engagement before directing users to their final destination. They can include summaries, comparisons, or other details that align with the interests of potential visitors. These types of pages can help to increase organic traffic by optimising for targeted keywords related to both the initial query and the ultimate goal page. Something to consider is that these pages shouldn’t be created as “doorway” pages, which are similar but often deemed manipulative. These kind of pages exist solely for driving traffic without adding real value. Search engines like Google often penalise these types of tactics.

That being said, bridge pages can serve legitimate purposes when crafted thoughtfully and ethically.


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